Quantum Measurement and Sensing: Winter School
The Winter School we are organizing in Trento for next December is currently advertised online and it is already possible to register.
The Winter School we are organizing in Trento for next December is currently advertised online and it is already possible to register.
It will take place from 10 to 14 of July 2023 the Summer School promoted by the Department of Mathematics of the University of Trento also funded by Q@TN and TIFPA-INFN The aim of the School is to present in an accessible way to a… Read More »Mathematical foundations of Quantum Machine Learning
Serate con i ricercatori trentini e il cantautore Candirù sul mondo dei quanti Che cos’è la luce? Questa semplice ed affascinante domanda è stata discussa nei varisecoli, da Newton ad Einstein, generando un dibattito intenso e controverso. La teoriadella fisica quantistica ha dato una risposta… Read More »Entanglement: intrecci quantistici di luce