Quantum Science and Technologies at Trento
19 and 23 April 2022
Venue: Aula Renzo Leonardi – Villa Tambosi Str. delle Tabarelle, 286, 38123 Villazzano TN
(link https://www.ectstar.eu/where-we-are/)
The School will give a basic introduction into the fascinating field of quantum sciences and technologies and the related educational offers at the master’s level available in Trento with the aim to motivate people to pursue this topic in their master degree, possibly at UNITN.
The program will provide a series of tutorial lectures on the main topics, given by experts from the research institutes active in Trento on quantum sciences and technologies and will be augmented by lab visits and social events. The School will start with an informal get-together on April 19th in the evening.
The School addresses undergraduate students in the last year before their BSc degree. Basic knowledge of quantum physics is assumed. Basic concepts of atomic and optical physics, and quantum information processing will be acquired at the end of the program. Q@TN will be able to sponsor the participation of up to 25 students covering local expenses (lodging, meals and social activities).
Gabriele Ferrari (Physics Department, University of Trento)
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Attendance is permitted for participants who are allowed to enter Italian territory, as indicated on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, according to the rules provided for by the national legislation in force, and by the regulation established by the Fondazione Bruno Kessler concerning in-presence participation in events organized in the spaces of FBK| ECT*.