- is a joint laboratory of University of Trento, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, and CNR on Quantum Science and Technology;
- leverages on human resources and state-of-the-art infrastructures of the partners;
- promotes basic and applied research, technological transfer, innovation, education and training;
- is rooted in Trentino with an European outlook.

Q@TN coordinates the scientific and technological research and the higher education in QST in Trentino, with the aim of bundling and increasing the impact of the activities already carried out by local researchers in strategic areas of quantum science.
Actions of Q@TN:
- Promote and strengthen synergies between the various teams with different competences, from fundamental quantum science to technological applications;
- Pursue a program focused on consolidating the international visibility of the research actors, to assume a central role in the European landscape and increase the success rate in competitive bids on QT Flagship calls;
- Boost research activities in this area by activating a number of positions for young researchers based on inter-team research initiatives, consolidating research, creating interdisciplinary critical mass, and competing for funding;
- Set up interdisciplinary education programs at the PhD and Master level;
- Provide possibilities for life-long learning in quantum technologies and disseminate the fascinating possibilities of quantum technologies to the wider public;
- Promote the transfer of knowledge and technologies in collaboration with industry.

Comitato Paritetico di Raccordo (CPR, Permanent Liaison Committee)

© Alessio Coser

Management Board

Industrial Advisory Board of Q@TN (IAB)

Q@TN is funded by University of Trento via piano strategico 2017-2021, the Provincia Autonoma di Trento, and the CARITRO foundation.